Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Internet Gossip

Gossip. I'm guilty, too, so don't think I'm being self-righteous, but there is a lot gossip going around on blogs. I suppose that's fairly normal, but that doesn't make it right. I don't read many blogs--very few, now, outside of good friends', although I used to read more. Those, however, were generally Christian agrarian, and were very encouraging and informative, not gossip-mongering.

But, as I said, there is a lot of gossip out there. This is a post on a blog that I do frequently take the time to read that has links to a number of entries regarding gossip.

We know of some folks who have been and are being hurt by internet gossip--much of it being flat-out lies, from what I understand. (I have not and will not read it.) These are deeply committed Christians being hurt by others professing to be Christians. It is not a difficult task to state an opinion without casting aspersions on others; however, apparently this is not the way of some.

I pray that the folks who have taken it upon themselves to make others' lives miserable by their gossip will see the error of their ways, and that people who are being influenced by the gossip-mongerers will see them for what they truly are.

Mary Susan

Psalm 34:13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile.


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