Wish List

Our 5yo son has a wonderful wish list this year, courtesy of lack of television, pre-school, etc. He wants a rubberband gun, a deck of cards, and a watch.
I LOVE IT!--and not because it makes shopping easy, but because it reflects the simple wishes of a boy who is fairly untainted by too many worldly influences. And that's not to say that he or we are perfect, by any means. I've just been very touched by his simple desires this year. (Of course, last year, he requested a hippopotamus. Or, barring that, a camel!)
I remember as a child, sitting down with pencil, paper, and the Sears and JCPenney Christmas catalogs and going through them nearly page by page, writing down pertinent info on any and all products that I might possibly want, then going through my list and the catalogs numerous times after that, paring the list down to only a page or so, and giving it to my mother!
The 5yo is a refreshing change from that. Will it continue? Who knows, but I'll appreciate it while it's here.
Mary Susan
wonderful. i hope it's always that way!!! hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!
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