Since Christmas...
Since Christmas, various members of our family (including our church family) have helped a number of people move. First, this family moved into the area (of our church, not our home) on Thursday; on Friday, a number of us helped move some boxes and furniture (mostly office-related) from the room our church is meeting in to upstairs and downstairs rooms in the same building. (The man who owns the building is moving his business and family up here; hopefully they'll be here in the near future; we're looking forward to that time!) And on Monday, Keith and 17yo daughter helped these folks move out of their home; their tractor is staying here awhile, I understand, since we have room for it in the barn.
We sure are glad to have these folks moving in and becoming part of the community and a more permanent, present part of the church family (although you've already been a part of us for a long time)!
See you at church!
Mary Susan
P.S. Oh, yes...and post-Christmas illness has set in. I missed church this week with a sore throat and low-grade fever, which I still have, along with sinus stuff. And as of yesterday, 12yo son has developed some of the same symptoms. We had a rough time of it last year after Christmas for over two months; we'd appreciate all prayers that this year will be healthier!
P.P.S. I've had a great deal of trouble the last few months with the computer; gave me headaches (which is not difficult to do) so that I used it very little--which was more frustrating than it should have been; amazing how many times a day I think, "I'll google that...." So anyway, a couple of weeks ago, Keith ordered a flat screen after I'd tried out a laptop that didn't seem to bother me. (Our monitor had been showing its age of late, anyway, so I don't feel too badly about getting a new one.) Don't ask me what kind of flat screen; I think Keith said there were a couple of kinds of technology in flat screens, but I don't know which he got. All I know is that I can use it now without necessarily getting a headache.
So does this mean more frequent blog posts? I seriously doubt it.
We sure are glad to have these folks moving in and becoming part of the community and a more permanent, present part of the church family (although you've already been a part of us for a long time)!
See you at church!
Mary Susan
P.S. Oh, yes...and post-Christmas illness has set in. I missed church this week with a sore throat and low-grade fever, which I still have, along with sinus stuff. And as of yesterday, 12yo son has developed some of the same symptoms. We had a rough time of it last year after Christmas for over two months; we'd appreciate all prayers that this year will be healthier!
P.P.S. I've had a great deal of trouble the last few months with the computer; gave me headaches (which is not difficult to do) so that I used it very little--which was more frustrating than it should have been; amazing how many times a day I think, "I'll google that...." So anyway, a couple of weeks ago, Keith ordered a flat screen after I'd tried out a laptop that didn't seem to bother me. (Our monitor had been showing its age of late, anyway, so I don't feel too badly about getting a new one.) Don't ask me what kind of flat screen; I think Keith said there were a couple of kinds of technology in flat screens, but I don't know which he got. All I know is that I can use it now without necessarily getting a headache.
So does this mean more frequent blog posts? I seriously doubt it.

I wanted to email you tonight to find out how you're feeling, but I'm using Philip's computer, so I can't locate the correct address. Hope you are much better. Thanks so much for refreshing the weary travelers in your home Monday night!
I hope you are all feeling better. Sounds like you have been very busy. I am glad new people are moving in to your area.
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