Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Galumphing Back... a previous post, that is.

In reference to my "O frabjous day!" post of Jan. 9, here is a link to the original (very original) source of the language. (Discovered my spelling and punctuation were not correct!!! But have corrected those problems, I hope.)

Personal trivia regarding this poem: when I was in the 8th grade at brand-spanking new Walter J. Baird Jr. High School, I had a very good English teacher who actually taught me what a noun and verb were--after numerous other teachers had tried, unsuccessfully. And, to the horror of many, I'm sure, she did it with diagramming, which struck a chord with me. On a test, she included what I believe was a bonus challenge: we were given the opportunity to diagram a sentence from "Jabberwocky." I don't now recall which part it was, but I do remember that I got it right. And that is confirmation that she had done a wonderful job teaching the parts of speech, usage, and the language in general.

Here is a classic performance of "Jabberwocky" that everyone should be able to reference:

Mary Susan


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