Saturday, November 15, 2008

Mostly the Same

Here's the updated list--just about all that's added is the muscadine jam that Keith made (and is DELICIOUS!!) and drying rosemary, I think. I would say this is probably all, but we'll make Christmas jam soon. We would use our strawberries for that (frozen from early summer), but we just used the last of those, so we'll have to use some from the store.

Food Preservation 2008

6/25 Lazy Housewife beans / canned 7qts
6/30 Wild blackberries / froze 1 qt
7/4 Kraut / canned 21 pts
7/5 Basil (whole leaves) / froze 2 qt-bags
7/5 Contender bush beans / canned 3 qts
7/5 Cherokee Trail of Tears beans / canned 4 qts
7/10 Maude Wall beans / canned 23 pts
7/10 Maude Wall beans / canned 28 qts
7/16 Beans (mostly Maude Wall) / canned 19 qts
7/17 Okra (breaded) / froze 3 qts
7/18 Tomatoes / canned 14 pts
7/18 Tomato sauce / canned 8 half-pints
7/18 Pickled peppers / canned 7 half-pints
7/21 Cucumber relish / canned 11 pts
7/21 Squash / froze 4 qts
7/22 Carrot relish / canned 15 pts
7/24 Cowpeas / froze 4 pints
7/24 Corn / froze 5 pints, 5 1.5-pints
7/25 Tomatoes / canned 28 pts
7/25 Tomato sauce / canned 19 1/2 pts
7/26 Blueberries (from B. Case's) / froze 7 pts, 2 1.5-pts
7/28 Corn (from Short Mtn) / froze 5 qts, 3 1.5-pts, 10 pts
7/29 Squash / froze 1 qt, 1 pt
7/30 Cowpeas / froze 8 pts
7/30 Carrots (shredded) / froze 6 pts
7/31 Salsa ("Judy's Salsa") / canned 10 pts, 2 1/2-pts
8/1 Speckled butter beans / froze 15 pts
8/5 Diced tomatoes (mostly Romas) / canned 7 qts, 7 pts
8/6 Okra (breaded) / froze 7 bags (app. 3 c each)
8/6 Carrots / froze 11 pts
8/7 Roasted tomato garlic soup canned 4.5 qts
8/12 Crushed tomatoes / canned 19 pts
8/13 Garden-fresh-tomato soup / canned 12 qts
8/14 Pepper jelly / canned 6 ½ half-pints
8/14 Pickled peppers / canned 8 ¾-pints, 3 ½-pints
8/15 Peach freezer jam / froze 4 pts
8/15 White peaches / froze 7 qts
8/16 Basil pesto / froze 3 half-pints
8/18 Pepper jelly / canned 6 ½ half-pints
8/19 Elberta peach jam / canned 4 pts
8/19 Elberta peaches / froze 4 qts, 4 1.5 pts
8/19 Keith’s salsa / canned 13 pts
8/25 Pickled peppers / canned 7 pts
9/8 Pepper jelly (red) / canned 7 ½-pints
9/10 Pickles peppers / canned 8 pints
9/15 Applesauce / canned 10 pts
9/16 Applesauce / canned 8 pts
9/16 Apple butter / canned 6 ½-pints
9/17 Sliced apples / canned 9 qts
9/18 Sliced apples / canned 8 qts
9/19 Apple butter / canned 10 ½-pints
Sometime this past week, dried about a qt of apple slices
9/22 Sliced apples / canned 8 qts
9/24 Apple cider / canned 15.5 qts
9/24 Apple cider / froze 4 qts
10/11 Muscadine jam / 4 ½-pints

Fresh apple cider: 8 gallons (?—some of this may have gone toward the 15.5 qts of canned cider??)
Apple cider vinegar: 3.5 gallons
Drying/dried: basil, sage, feverfew, red clover blossoms, rosemary
Collecting seed: butternut squash, Cherokee purple tomato, plum lemon tomato, var. peppers, var. beans

Mary Susan

2nd Amendment

Here's a video which many of you have probably already seen regarding the 2nd Amendment. I'm not sure when this testimony was given or to what legislative body/committee. I found somewhere that the witness's parents were killed in 1987. (The hair/fashions seem to support that.) Regardless, it's a powerful statement.

I'm amazed at how many rights we allow to slowly (usually) be taken from us. And somehow "we" are able to be convinced that it's a good thing! And those who see at least a bit of what's happening and try to open others' eyes to it are radical, suspect, fringe-element trouble-makers.

Okay, I don't generally make any sort of political statements, but there you go.

Mary Susan

BTW, if we should happen to receive any nasty comments, they will be deleted.