Thursday, March 13, 2008

This Weekend, and a Not-So-Shameless Plug

Having crammed in hours this week, Keith leaves work early tomorrow to come home, pick up 12yo son and tools, and go to the new home of a family in our church to do some work, along with a number of others from our church. They (Keith and son) will be gone all weekend.

In the meantime, until we meet Keith and 12yo son at church Sunday morning, the girls, 5yo, and I have a number of things to do around here, including all the farm chores that 12yo normally takes care of.

On Saturday evening, we may attend this event. We've not seen the Primitive Quartet, but hear from good sources that they are great. And the cause is a wonderful one. Tom and Connie Brantley are friends of ours and are dear folks. Tom's our music teacher (15yo takes fiddle lessons; 12yo took guitar lessons; 17yo took mandolin lessons) and mentor. We've only known the Brantleys a couple of years, but respect and admire them greatly. I wish we could have known their son, Daniel.

As the website says, the Daniel Brantley Foundation helps children with chronic health problems related to childhood cancer. If anyone is looking for a good, legitimate charitable organization to help out--and one that uses its funds as it claims to--then please consider the Daniel Brantley Foundation. And if you know of anyone who needs some assistance and who fits the profile, contact the Brantleys (the address is on the website).

Mary Susan

By the way, I really enjoy hammered dulcimer music. If you like it, too, you might want to order one or both of the CD's on the Foundation's website.


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