Tuesday, January 16, 2007


At the moment, five of the six of us are sick. My parents visited my brother and his family during Christmas, and my mother brought home a pretty wicked bronchial cold-type thing. Cold seems a bit too mild of a word, though. My mother has had it for two weeks, now (or more?), and is on her second round of antibiotics.

I've had it for quite a few days, but have kept it sort of in check with herbs, thanks to TNFarmgirl's medicinal herbs course. I had a low fever off and on for a few days, but seem to be over that. Still have some chest congestion, but seem to be able to control that with the herbs.

14yo has gotten pretty bad the last couple of days--nasal and chest congestion, fever, etc. She's gotten pretty bad the last day or so.

4yo's fever is quite bad: has constantly been well over 100 degrees the last two days; when it drops to less than 103, we're happy; it's been as high as 104.5, or maybe higher. Keith has taken these two to the doctor this afternoon.

11yo has been congested (sinus and chest) for a couple of days, but no fever until today. I've slowly started him on some herb tea. Thankfully, he's not felt bad enough that he couldn't deal with the livestock. And he's creating some lively banjo music as I compose this post, so he's apparently not feeling too bad!

16yo held out until today, when she came down with a low fever. Mighty workhorse, all the same. 4yo has wanted me beside him the last two days, so I've not been able to get anything done. Yes, he's worth it, and the house, laundry, etc. can wait. But it hasn't had to wait; 16yo has done four loads of laundry today, I believe it is; de-cluttered a good bit; fixed a good lunch; and has dinner ready to go. All this in the morning and with a fever (although I didn't know about the fever). She's a wonderful blessing! I need to get her started on some herb tea, but since chocolate probably doesn't mix too well with the herbs, she thus far has rejected the idea. And thanks to Reformed Tentdweller and family, we had a wonderful lunch and dinner yesterday.

Keith has escaped this illness so far, praise God.

How's that for a whining post?

Mary Susan


Blogger Lynn Bartlett said...

We've come home the last 3 years from our state's homeschool convention with the flu; last year our youngest (6 at the time) was terribly sick for a whole month. I wish I could have taken Cheri's course earlier, but at least we had a friend that is knowledgeable in natural healing and helped me through hot/cold packs, teas, etc. I was so worried about this little guy, but he did pull through, albeit a lot skinnier when he didn't need to lose anything. The convention is coming up 3/1, and I am asking for mercy and grace to make it through this year unscathed. At least I have more knowledge this year, though.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007 6:40:00 PM  
Blogger TNfarmgirl said...

Mary Susan,
Glad the course is helping...you might try lots of red clover tea and one of my favorite things for ridding the body of mucous is elecampane tincutre.

Sunday, January 21, 2007 10:55:00 PM  
Blogger The Bradshaws said...

Thanks, Cheri,

I've been keeping a red clover/chamomile tea made up most of the time, drinking three or so cups a day. And hoping some of the others will, too (they do, occasionally). Even Keith does, as long as the chamomile is in it; he is totally impressed how good it is--how much better and more aromatic it is (even with the red clover) than the store-bought chamomile.

I'm also doing a steam treatment of chamomile, which has immediate beneficial effects. Also makes the skin on my face so nice!

Friday evening, I took a turn for the worse, but I'm convinced that it's because I didn't get any of my herbs until the day was more than half gone. I was extremely busy Friday morning and into the afternoon, and simply didn't take the time to fix the tea or do a steam treatment (which is ridiculous, it's so quick to do!) Anyway, all morning, I could feel my chest and coughing getting tighter. Previously, I'd feel it a little, then have a cup of tea or take a steam treatment, and things would loosen up quickly. But on Friday, it was mid-afternoon before I attacked; I had lost much ground. By Friday evening, I had a fever again (hadn't had that in two or three days), and by Saturday, my voice was beginning to disappear, which is very difficult when 4yo has fluid in ears and has trouble hearing anything!

Anyway, need to get to the kitchen and fix today's tea before it gets any later!

Mary Susan

Monday, January 22, 2007 9:37:00 AM  
Blogger The Bradshaws said...

By the way, Cheri,

I don't have any elecampane, but it's at the top of my list for my next order. I think I have some seed for it; I'll have to make sure I do.

Thanks, again,
Mary Susan

Monday, January 22, 2007 9:39:00 AM  

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